Your trusted adviser for R&D Tax Credits and R&D Grants

Your Results

Your estimated corporation tax saving or R&D tax credit payable is:


This gives a rough estimate of the tax relief that you may be eligible to claim.

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How can we help?

How we help you maximise your claim

By profiting from our expert R&D tax credit knowledge and right-first-time approach, you can be sure of securing & maximising your R&D tax claim both now and in the future.

Our team is comprised of technical consultants and R&D costing experts who will work with you to identify all of your qualifying projects and expenses including those often missed by general accountants and in-house finance teams.

We handle your R&D tax claim from start to finish, minimising any risks associated with preparing a claim and aim to take up just 2-3 hours of your time. Working with us ensures the Revenue handle your claim promptly, due to our close working relationship with all Revenue’s R&D Tax Credit Unit.



Why choose Myriad

  • We have a 100% success rate spanning 18 years, which means every claim we've sent to HMRC has been approved.
  • Trusted and respected advisor to our many delighted clients with an industry high customer retention rate.
  • Myriad has achieved exceptional results by resubmitting R&D claims that were originally filed by the client. In some cases, we've increased previous claims by 300%.

Does your business qualify?

Speak to our experts today to see if your activities qualify.