Explore our news page for thought leadership articles, technical expertise and the latest developments in the world of innovation funding.
Scientific & technological baselines are an important part of R&D tax credit claims. Discover tips, examples, and best practices to ensure compliance and success.
Discover how software companies in Ireland can optimize R&D tax credits to support innovation, with guidance on eligible projects, claim strategies, and compliance.
Learn how to pass the Accounting Test for R&D Tax Credits in Ireland. Learn requirements, documentation, and get expert help to maximise your claim.
Learn how to pass the Science Test for R&D Tax Credits in Ireland and get expert tips on meeting Revenue's criteria and ensuring your R&D claim is robust.
Learn how to address R&D Aspect Queries in Ireland, clarify R&D tax credit eligibility, and respond effectively to Revenue Ireland to maximise your R&D tax credit.
Ireland’s budget for 2025 was announced on 1st October 2024, and it’s good news for young, innovative companies.
Explore recent updates to Ireland's R&D tax credit scheme, including new rates and a pre-filing requirement for new claimants.
At 12.5%, it’s a well-known fact that corporation tax in Ireland is one of the lowest in the world. But there are also plenty of tax reliefs and incentives, especially for those who wish to invest in research and innovation.
In a bid to establish themselves as a “global innovation leader, Irish government spending on R&D has reached record levels. But which industries are making the most out of this investment?
Starting a successful business is scary - but you’re not alone. To help you financially along the way, there’s a massive range of grants, loans, tax breaks and other funding available.
Quicker revenue payments, removal of payroll tax restriction and the option to apply this to FY2022 provides huge boosts for R&D Tax Credits in Ireland
In this blog, we will explore the role of R&D tax credits in digital transformation and how companies can optimise their use to fund their digital transformation projects.
Embrace the power of R&D Tax Credits and fuel innovation in your Agri-Tech business in Ireland. This blog helps you navigate the intricacies of these credits, highlighting eligibility, application process, and how they can propel your Agri-Tech advancements.
The 2023 budget changes to R&D tax credits in Ireland make them more accessible and beneficial for businesses of all sizes.
Discover how to overcome barriers to innovation with guidance from an Irish R&D tax consultancy. Learn about tax incentives and strategies to boost your business's innovative potential.
Here we offer our 10 top tips for setting up an effective, cohesive R&D department in your company.
A broad range of software projects are likely to attract valuable R&D Tax Credits. But putting a claim together can be complex - here we take a look.
To qualify for R&D Tax Credits, your company and your projects need to have met certain conditions. Here we take a look.
Think R&D Tax Credits is just for techie conglomerates and science labs? Think again! Just about any company in any industry is eligible for R&D Tax Credits easily worth thousands of euros.
The good news is, there’s a huge scope of projects right across the medical industry that could make your company eligible for R&D Tax Credits. In fact, it’s one of the most lucrative.
Software development is one of the biggest areas for which you can claim lucrative R&D Tax Credits. Could your company be missing out?
Many businesses don’t know they're undertaking eligible qualifying activities, but even the smallest claims can run into thousands of euros. And the best bit? Any company in Ireland can apply.
Think R&D Tax Credits is just for techie conglomerates and science labs? Think again! Just about any company in any industry is eligible for R&D Tax Credits easily worth thousands of euros.
Innovation in Ireland is essential for business survival - but it's a hard road with no guarantees. Check out our guest blog for partners Economy Standard to see the common mistakes that lead to innovation failure.
Good, professional R&D tax advice can literally be worth its weight in gold. But not all R&D tax advisors are created equal - make sure you know what to look out for.
Around 2,600 companies in Ireland benefitted from R&D Tax Credits in 2019 alone, totalling over €650m, according to latest OECD statistics. Is yours missing out?
Whether you remember them or not, the 1990s were a big decade for innovative tech that changed the world forever. Quick trip down memory lane anyone?...
The economic climate is harsh and for many companies employing an R&D department in-house is a tough call. So when every penny counts, how do you build the perfect R&D team without breaking the bank? Here we take a look.
There are around 8.5 billion google searches made every day across the world – and for digital marketers 2022 is set to be a humdinger of a year. So what's coming down the line in 2022?
Claiming R&D Tax Credits is a complex process and it’s easy to make a mistake. Our advice? Never go it alone (or even with your accountant).